Кокон cocoon 1985 торрент
· Cocoon - Starring Don Ameche, Wilford Brimley, Hume Cronyn, Brian Dennehy, Steve Guttenberg, Jessica Tandy, and Linda Harrison Release Date: · VHS TRAILER for Cocoon (1985) Stars: Don Ameche, Wilford Brimley, Hume Cronyn. Download FLAC James Horner - Cocoon / Кокон (Special Expanded Edition) 1985 lossless · "Cocoon" is a rare elderly-focused take on the fountain of youth concept, an ancient motif that's enough proof in itself that humans desire young age, whether in general or at the movies. Although science fiction, "Cocoon" is simple and mild-mannered like its lovable old protagonists. It might be light on drama but it's big on heart. Cocoon - Instrumental _ Karaoke (In the Style of Catfish & The Bottlemen)_H264_AAC_720p.mp4 16.881MB. I have seen 568 movies so far (since January 1, 2010) 1 - DO NOT WANT! God awful, makes you want to gouge your eyeballs out with a spork, and either headbutt Cocoon (Cocoon) Synopsis. A group of extraterrestrials comes to Earth to retrieve some magical objects from the Gulf of Mexico. Upon their arrival from Antarea, the aliens, led by Walter, take on human form so they can go about their work without detection. Find industry contacts & talent representation. Access in-development titles not available on IMDb. Get the latest news from leading industry trades. Grupa pensjonariuszy z domu starców odkrywa w opuszczonym domu basen, na dnie którego spoczywają tajemnicze kokony. Grupa staruszków mieszkającym w jednym z domów starców na Florydzie wiedzie spokojne życie, aż do czasu, gdy znajdują w pobliskim domu basen. This one doesn't deserve the low rating. A curious, offbeat mix of drama, romance, and science fiction fantasy, Cocoon brings the human element to alien life force with heart and humour.